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Continuum VR Unit for FCPX - VR Reorient & VR Insert

May 4, 2018

Host: FCPX

Join Nick Harauz, Apple certified trainer, for a look at two of the five filters included in the Continuum VR Unit:

VR Reorient
Use the VR Reorient filter to re-position or center the hero view, fix footage shot at angles or drones, and flatten the horizon.

VR Insert
VR Insert allows users to easily insert a secondary source clip, title, logo, etc. into a 360/VR shot in true 360/VR space in either mono or stereo format in addition to providing a full array of controls to reorient the source in 360/VR space.

Learn more about VR Sharpen, VR Blur, and VR Flicker Fixer, the other filters included in the Continuum VR Unit.